• (13 votes)
  • Manufacturer: Modec

Made in: France

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These adaptors must be fixed to the handwheel before use. Thanks to their multiple “U” clamps that catch the handwheel’s spokes, they can fix on to almost every type of handwheel.

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The FUA adaptor is available in 4 versions for flat or tapered handwheels:

FUA001 (or FUA316 for stainless steel version) for flight or slightly tapered handwheels with spokes inclined up to 30 ° in relation to the wheel’s plane; FUA002 (or FUA317 for stainless steel version) for tapered handwheels with spokes inclined from 30° to 40° in relation to the wheel’s plane.
These drive plate adaptors can be used directly on a banjo head. To use them with a straight or right angle head, you need to use the KPA004 interface (see technical sheet 12). They can also be used with EBx04 extension bars using the interface TTA. 
