Regulating and Metering Stations (PRMS)

  • (1045 đánh giá)
  • Nhà sản xuất: Tormene

Nơi sản xuất: Italy

Giá: Gọi liên hệ

Lượt xem: 381

Đặt mua ngay

Gas Pressure Regulating and Metering Stations (PRMS) for low and high pressure are skid packaged units designed to cover all applications for natural gas delivery for industrial and civil applications.

Tư vấn và hỗ kỹ thuật

Bảo hành ít nhất 12 tháng theo tiêu chuẩn NSX


090 997 5120

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Thông tin sản phẩm

Technical Data

Our standardized engineering and manufacturing procedures for these stations ensure a fast and secure supply for the ERM.


The ERM are equipped with fiscal measurement system according to the last AGA7, AGA8 Reports.
