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Nơi sản xuất: Italy
Giá: Gọi liên hệ
Lượt xem: 389
Đặt mua ngay
Tailor made black start compressors with diesel engine. The package is provided with starting air system, hydraulic starting system, diesel day tank.
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Chính sách đổi trả hàng
Skid mounted dessicant dryer designed and manufactured in compliance with the main International Standards suitable for the application in the worst environment conditions.The dryer is sized using the max load at the max inlet temperature. All the dryer are filled with a high quality molecular sieve.
2,3/5 (594 đánh giá)
366 lượt
Tailor made compressors for heavy duty offshore applications, designed for the worst environment conditions. The design includes high quality material for piping, coolers, instrumentation, intake filters, silencers and proper coating and painting systems. Particular attention is paid to the safety and serviceability of the equipment.
2,7/5 (594 đánh giá)
346 lượt
Totally engineered skid mounted turnkey instrument air package with compressors, dryers, filtration system, air receivers, nitrogen generators, manufactured in compliance with the main International Standards suitable for the application in the worst environment conditions.
5,0/5 (1 đánh giá)
393 lượt
Skid mounted nitrogen generation stations designed and manufactured in compliance with the main International Standards suitable for the application in the worst environment conditions.
397 lượt
Compressors are designed for the purpose. Range : 22 – 500 kW Pressure range : 4 - 16 barg Type: rotary screw Lubrication: oil-free dry / oil-injected