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Nơi sản xuất: Italy
Giá: Gọi liên hệ
Lượt xem: 354
Đặt mua ngay
The cartridge filters can guarantee an high filtration capacity and a low pressure drop. These filters use synthetic cartridges with a 100% efficiency for particles > than 3 microns and 99% for particles between 0,5 and 3 microns.
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Chính sách đổi trả hàng
They are normally used at the inlet of City Gates or Gas Metering and Reducing stations. Their efficiency depends on the type of contaminants; solid particles higher than 3 microns and up to 5 microns for liquid particles.
2,7/5 (600 đánh giá)
376 lượt
Cyclones filters can be used to separate water, hydrocarbons, sand and dust coming from the pipeline for the following services: Natural Gas extraction, Gas transportation, Gas metering, Gas compression.
2,3/5 (594 đánh giá)
390 lượt
Liquid and Dust Separators are used in Gas Reducing and Metering stations, Storage plants, Compression plants, etc.
373 lượt
Designed and manufactured according to ASME VIII DI code.
ANSI B16.5 flanged connections. Series 150, 300 and 600. Cartridges with standard dimensions. Hydraulically and pneumatically tested