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Nơi sản xuất: Italy
Giá: Gọi liên hệ
Lượt xem: 390
Đặt mua ngay
Cyclones filters can be used to separate water, hydrocarbons, sand and dust coming from the pipeline for the following services: Natural Gas extraction, Gas transportation, Gas metering, Gas compression.
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The cartridge filters can guarantee an high filtration capacity and a low pressure drop. These filters use synthetic cartridges with a 100% efficiency for particles > than 3 microns and 99% for particles between 0,5 and 3 microns.
2,4/5 (599 đánh giá)
353 lượt
They are normally used at the inlet of City Gates or Gas Metering and Reducing stations. Their efficiency depends on the type of contaminants; solid particles higher than 3 microns and up to 5 microns for liquid particles.
2,7/5 (600 đánh giá)
376 lượt
Liquid and Dust Separators are used in Gas Reducing and Metering stations, Storage plants, Compression plants, etc.
2,3/5 (594 đánh giá)
373 lượt